We are committed to ensuring the education and well-being of students
The Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools (CHBGS) was founded in 1970 to support and promote graduate education at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUS).
CHBGS offers benefits for member institutions as well for the graduate students served by the membership. Through CHBGS, members are able to: increase doctoral and master’s degree production among .African-American students; make a difference in the lives and futures of poor students and first generation students; and, to educate underserved populations because of the importance of an enlightened citizenry in a democracy.
Officers and Executive Committee Members
We are proud of our committed and diverse staff driven by our common goal to create lasting wellbeing for community

Dr. Clay Gloster, Jr.
(Term Expires 2027)
- Immediate Past-President | Dean | The Graduate College
- North Carolina A&T State University
- 1600 E. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411
- (336) 285-2366
- [email protected]

Dr. John E. Smith, Jr.
(Term Expires 2027)
- President/President Elect | Assistant Provost & AVP for Academic Affairs
- Tougaloo College
- 223 James P. Brawley Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30314
- 470-501-1410
- [email protected]

Dr. Desi Hacker
(Term Expires 2027)
- Vice President/President-Elect | Dean of Graduate Studies
- Norfolk State University
- 700 Park Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23504
- tel:7578238015
- [email protected]

Dr. Tyisha Hathorn
(Term Expires 2027)
- Treasurer | Assistant Dean | Graduate Education
- University of Virginia
- PO Box 400773, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4773
- (434) 924-1605
- [email protected]

Dr. Caterina Bristol
(Term Expires 2027)
- Secretary | Assistant Provost and Dean | Graduate School
- Alabama State University
The Harold Loyd Murphy Graduate School - 915 South Jackson St.
201 Councill Hall
Montgomery, AL 36104 - (334) 604-8471
- [email protected]

Dr. Kevin Bradley
(Term Expires 2027)
- Executive Committee Member | Director of Graduate Professional Development | School of Graduate StudiesMorgan State University
- Morgan State University
- [email protected]

Dr. Matthew McCullough
(Term Expires 2027)
- Executive Committee Member | Associate Dean for Enrollment Management | Graduate School
- North Carolina A&T State University
- [email protected]

Dr. Adrienne Stephenson
(Term Expires 2027)
- Executive Committee Member | Associate Dean, Graduate School | Director, Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards | University Liaison, McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program
- Florida State University
- [email protected]

Dr. Natasha Stubbs
(Term Expires 2028)
- Executive Committee Member | Project Manager | Academic Services, Progress and Graduation | Graduate Studies
- University of Central Florida
- [email protected]

Mr. Brian Wayne
(Term Expires 2027)
- Executive Committee Member | Graduate Programs Recruiter | Vice Chair | ECSU Staff Senate | Division of Academic Affairs
- Elizabeth State University
- [email protected]